Grading Policy
Grades 1 and 2
The progress of students in reading/language arts, mathematics, social studies, science, PE, and behavior habits is based on the SCDE/South Carolina Academic Standards.
- E– The Student is Meeting Grade-Level Expectations with Distinction
- S– The Student is Consistently Meeting Grade-Level Expectations with Little/No Support
- P– The Student is Progressing Toward Grade-Level Expectations
- N– The Student is Not Meeting Grade-Level Expectations
PIE (Personalized Instruction and Enrichment) and PIE Math (Personalized Instruction and Enrichment for Math) are graded as S (Satisfactory), P (Progressing) or N (Needs Improvement).
Grades 3-5
The state-defined numerical grading scale is used on the report card for Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, and Standards Math.
- A (90-100)
- B (80-89)
- C (70-79)
- D (60-69)
- F (59 and below)
PIE (Personalized Instruction and Enrichment) and PIE Math (Personalized Instruction and Enrichment for Math) are graded as S (Satisfactory), P (Progressing) or N (Needs Improvement).
Physical education and Math Standards are graded as S (Satisfactory), P (Progressing) or N (Needs Improvement).
*The quarterly grade floor average is 60% in grades 3 and 4 and 50% in grade 5. For missed assignments, students in grades 3 and 4 will receive a 30% and students in grades 5 will receive a 0. For late assignments in grades 3-5, there will be a 10-point deduction/day after the extended time allotted for those who have this accommodation in their IEP. No assignments will be accepted after two weeks past the due date. Those assignments will receive a 0, and this could affect the quarterly grade floor average. If a student meets the quarterly grade floor average, a comment will be made notated in the report card or interim report card. Additionally, teachers will notify parents/guardians of students who have met or are class to meeting the quarterly grade floor average.
Grades 6-8
The state-defined numerical grading scale is used on the report card for Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, Math Standards, and PE.
- A (90-100)
- B (80-89)
- C (70-79)
- D (60-69)
- F (59 and below)
PIE (Personalized Instruction and Enrichment) is graded as S (Satisfactory), P (Progressing) or N (Needs Improvement).
Other classes are graded as S (Satisfactory), P (Progressing) or N (Needs Improvement).
*The quarterly grade floor average is 50% in grades 6-8. For missed assignments, students in grades 6-8 will receive a 0. For late assignments in grades 3-8, there will be a 10-point deduction/day after the extended time allotted for those who have this accommodation in their IEP. No assignments will be accepted after two weeks past the due date. Those assignments will receive a 0, and this could affect the quarterly grade floor average. If a student meets the quarterly grade floor average, a comment will be made notated in the report card or interim report card. Additionally, teachers will notify parents/guardians of students who have met or are class to meeting the quarterly grade floor average.