Academics » Grading Policy

Grading Policy

Grades 1 and 2

The progress of students in reading/language arts, mathematics, social studies, science, PE, and behavior habits is based on the SCDE/South Carolina Academic Standards.
  • E – The Student is Meeting Grade-Level Expectations with Distinction
  • S – The Student is Consistently Meeting Grade-Level Expectations with Little/No Support
  • P – The Student is Progressing Toward Grade-Level Expectations
  • N – The Student is Not Meeting Grade-Level Expectations
PIE (Personalized Instruction and Enrichment) is graded P (Pass) or F (Fail).

Grades 3-5

The state-defined numerical grading scale is used on the report card for Language Arts, Social Studies, Standards Math, and Science.
  • A (90-100)
  • B (80-89)
  • C (70-79)
  • D (60-69)
  • F (59 and below)
PIE (Personalized Instruction and Enrichment), PIE Math, PE (Physical Education), and other classes are evaluated using the following grading scale.
  • S – Satisfactory
  • P – Progressing
  • N – Needs Improvement

Grades 6-8

The state-defined numerical grading scale is used on the report card for Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, Math Standards, and PE. 
  • A (90-100)
  • B (80-89)
  • C (70-79)
  • D (60-69)
  • F (59 and below)
PIE (Personalized Instruction and Enrichment) and other classes are evaluated using the following grading scale.
  • S – Satisfactory
  • P – Progressing
  • N – Needs Improvement
Honor Roll
A and A/B Honor Rolls are presented at the end of the school year during the Awards Assembly for either receiving all As or all As/Bs for all four quarters during the school year. These awards are based on the final grade of the year.